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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) participated in the training session organized by the National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Togo, held in the capital, Lomé, from August 20 to 22, 2024. This training aimed to enhance both the practical skills and theoretical knowledge of the newly appointed members and executives of the National Commission. This session was part of the National Human Rights Commission of Togo ongoing efforts to develop its capacities as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI).
This training session began with foundational introductions to the international and regional human rights system, emphasizing the pivotal role of NHRIs within these frameworks. At this event, the CNDH shared insights from the Moroccan experience, highlighting significant challenges and showcasing best practices in human rights protection.


In this context, the CNDH presented its extensive experience in human rights protection and monitoring. The presentation focused on the management and processing of complaints, as well as the functional interaction between the missions of preventing torture and ill-treatment and protecting human rights. The CNDH shed light on its experience with the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NPM), which plays a crucial role in monitoring and addressing individual cases, and protecting their rights within the broader framework of the CNDH’s protective mandate.
The CNDH provided a comprehensive review of its tools and techniques for visiting and monitoring places of deprivation of liberty. It also discussed challenges associated with undertaking this critical role and provided an explanation of the working mechanism and governance of CNDH/NPM. Additionally, the CNDH emphasized the importance of effective integration among various departments and administrative units within the institution. This integration is fundamental to ensure the implementation of missions related to human rights protection and the prevention of torture.
The program of this session covered several themes, including the accreditation of NHRIs by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI). It provided an overview of the accreditation procedures that NHRIs undergo at the international level.
The CNDH participation in this training session was an opportunity to exchange expertise and experiences with its counterparts in the Republic of Togo and African NHRIs. This event not only enhances cooperation among NHRIs across the African continent but also contributes in promoting and protecting human rights.



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