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Ms. Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), participated, on 1 March 2023, in a meeting on the role of the CNDH in strengthening the Rule of Law, organized by the Faculty of Law, Economic and Social Sciences Ain Chock-Casablanca, Morocco, and the Links Foundation.

The CNDH Chairperson stressed the need to ensure the effective participation of all citizens, the equality of all before the law, transparency, and accountability, as foundations of the Rule of Law concept. She also noted that this concept cannot be achieved without ensuring full respect for all human rights for all.

Ms. Bouayach addressed the CNDH’s role in establishing the foundations of the Rule of Law. She highlighted that the CNDH is a national proximity mechanism for protecting human rights and redress. It monitors and follows up on the public authorities’ practices with regard to their compliance with international human rights standards. It also provides proposals and advice in terms of legislation and public policies to promote human rights culture.

Within the same context, Ms. Bouayach considered that the effectiveness of human rights is the rallying of the CNDH roles related to promoting the Rule of Law following its strategy based on the three foundations: preventing violations, protecting victims and promoting human rights.

She indicated that the Rule of Law system is based on fundamental pillars, including the participation of citizens in public affairs decisions equally, within the framework of the State institutional system, besides protecting rights and freedoms against any possible abuse or violation.

The CNDH Chairperson noted the threats facing the Rule of Law, including ideas that question the effectiveness of human rights and its institutions, the impact of climate changes on stability, the emergence of health crises, and the outbreak of economic crises.

These threats, she added, share their ability to disrupt the Rule of Law and the effectiveness of human rights and undermine the achievements related to the protection of rights and freedoms during recent decades.

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