Mrs. Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), emphasized that the right to health is a fundamental component to achieve social security. It is at the heart of the CNDH's concerns in its part related to its contribution to public policy assessment.
This declaration was part of her statement delivered at the opening session of the seminar on the “Inclusion of foreigners in the social security system project: principles and challenges of implementation” organized by the CNDH in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Morocco (UNHCR Morocco) and the International Organization for Migration Morocco (IOM Morocco), on 29 September 2022, in Rabat, Morocco.
On this occasion, Mrs. Bouayach reiterated the CNDH position regarding the inclusion of migrants within the four elements of the social security system stipulated in the Framework Law approved by Parliament last year.
She noted that mainstreaming social security to include migrants requires the competent authorities to take the necessary measures to overcome obstacles and legal/procedural difficulties in several cases, given that it is based on principles that guarantee integration, such as solidarity and non-discrimination.
For his part, Mr. François Rebet-Degat, the HCR Morocco representative, welcomed the Moroccan vision of migration and asylum and described it as "inclusive, human and based on international law". He noted the importance of the royal project in establishing the social security system by 2025 for all citizens, with the adoption of positive discrimination for the vulnerable population. Mr. Rebet-Degat also referred to the successful experience of Morocco in integrating migrants and refugees within the national vaccination campaign against (Covid-19).
Within the same context, Mrs. Laura Palatini, Head of Mission of the IOM Morocco, said that the reform of the social security system in Morocco is a fundamental stage for developing and mainstreaming the current system to reach the largest possible number of beneficiaries.
Mrs. Platini pointed out that the National Strategy for Migration and Asylum respecting human rights is based on an inclusive approach to migrants through providing housing, training, employment and health services.
This seminar is part of the continuity of the CNDH actions conducted, with the support of the UNHCR since 2019, on the "Universal medical coverage: issues and challenges of the inclusion of foreigners". It aims at following up on the recommendations issued and taking into account the needs of foreigners within the framework of the Royal project for social security mainstreaming.