The Regional Human Rights Commissions (CRDHs) exercise the CNDH mandate at the territorial level for each region, under the authority of the CNDH Chairperson.Each CRDH includes three Standing Committees
This Standing Committee is responsible for monitoring and following up on the human rights situation at the regional level, taking into account other functions assigned to the rest of the CNDH entities in this regard.
This Standing Committee promotes human rights culture and enhances democratic development at the regional level. It proposes programs and projects on the promotion of human rights culture, citizenship, civil behavior, non-discrimination, capacity building and enrichment of thought and dialogue. Besides the aforementioned programs/projects, it also monitors impartial and independent processes for election observation.
This Standing Committee follows up on the effective implementation of the principles of the Constitution and the harmonization of national legislation with the international conventional commitments of Morocco at the level of public policies, regional programs, and local governance. It also follows up on the implementation of concluding observations and recommendations issued by human rights bodies and mechanisms in this context.
Adress : Angle Boulevard Victor Hugo et Rue Ahmed el Figuigui, C.P. 20490, Casablanca, Morocco.
Phone : +212 (0) 522 40 03 99
Fax : +212 (0) 522 40 04 03
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