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His Majesty the King granted Pardon, on Sunday, April 5th 2020, to 5654 prisoners, taking into account purposes the exceptional circumstances associated with COVID19 Health Emergency.

According to information available to the National Human Rights Council (CNDH)، the Pardon was granted to approximately 7% of the total prison population, among vulnerable groups and detainees wity chronic diseases, who were locked in 77 adult and juvenile prisons.

The Pardon was granted specifically to:
- 399 older prisoners;
- 260 prisoners with chronic diseases;
- 779 prisoners who maintained good behaviour;
- 3501 prisoners sentenced for misdemeanours;
- 40 prisoners sentenced by terrorism law who participated in a special reconciliation program ("Moussalaha");
- 20 pregnant women;
- 543 reintegration potential candidates;
- 93 juveniles;
- 19 women with their children.

The Royal Pardon was granted to a woman who was sentenced to death, thus bringing the number of women in the death row in Morocco to one.


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