The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) has released, on 6 May 2021, its annual report 2020 on the human rights situation in Morocco entitled “Covid-19: exceptional situation and new human rights challenge”.
In her statement at the press conference to launch this report, Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, stressed that the 2020 report is an objective assessment of the human rights situation in Morocco in this exceptional context and a new human rights challenge. In 2020, new models and ways of managing missions and interventions related to the prevention of violations, protection of victims, and promotion of human rights have emerged.
The annual report is composed of six fundamental focus areas : 1 - Legal framework of the health emergency situation of the Covid-19 pandemic; 2 - Human rights situation and the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic; 3 - Promotion of human rights; 4 - Relations of national cooperation ; 5- International relations of cooperation and solidarity ; 6 - Follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER).
This report contains particular recommendations related to the protection and promotion of human rights during the pandemic. It also encloses general recommendations aiming at advancing human rights in terms of legal, institutional and policy frameworks as well as practices.
The recommendations contained in this report are in line with the requirements of the Constitution and international human rights instruments. They aim at reinforcing the national human rights protection system. The implementation depends on the cooperation of all stakeholders, including the government, parliament, judiciary, other relevant institutions and entities, and NGOs.