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Everyone is different and has his/her way. We should accept the difference to eliminate discrimination…

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and its National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities launched, on 30 December 2020, an online campaign to fight all forms of discrimination against women and girls with disabilities.

It is part of its interaction with the recommendation of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRDP) to conduct public awareness-raising campaigns to combat stereotypes, prejudices and myths about women and girls with disabilities.

This campaign particularly targets social media users (Facebook, YouTube and Twitter) which bring together several social categories by using the Moroccan dialect, Amazigh language and sign language.

Through this campaign, testimonies of women and girls with disabilities were published. The common point among women and girls with disabilities is steadfastness, determination and the will to prove themselves and face all the surrounding challenges, obstacles and real barriers that stem from the heart of society.

In her statement on the occasion of launching this online campaign, Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, said that the campaign aims to fight against compound and double discrimination suffered by women and girls with disabilities. She also added that the CNDH seeks through it to highlight the value and the importance of the participation of this group in the management of public affairs and fight against stereotypes and prejudices which led to several forms of discrimination.

“Look how is she… She doesn’t have hands… She is handicapped…” These are some of the negative epithets that both Samia and Hajar are used to hear… almost daily. Words that never hinder their determination to prove themselves and break all boundaries made by society.

These videos contain several awareness-raising messages. They transmit vivid and influential testimonies on girls who succeeded in telling details on the real obstacles and restrictions that society creates. For example, compound and double discrimination based on both gender and disability, the disappointing look to the other and the non-acceptance of difference...

The girls unveiled the reality of the bitter discrimination. This group suffers from stigma, stereotypes on disability, myths, and lack of accessibility in some public facilities... which diminish their ability to contribute effectively to society.

These testimonies confirmed that disability in our society is a real obstacle against pursuing education or obtaining a job opportunity…. They also affirmed that the solution lies in empowering and promoting the situation of women and girls with disabilities, enhancing the contribution of each of one of us in changing negative stereotypes towards this group, empowering them to fully enjoy their right to participate equally in economic, social, cultural, political and other fields, and respecting their dignity.

For her part, Ms. Zhor Alhorr, Coordinator of the National Mechanism for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, stated that this campaign will continue for eight weeks. She also added that this campaign aims to urge society to combat discrimination and raise awareness of public opinion on the seriousness of the multiple forms of discrimination suffered by this group. 

Ms. Alhorr emphasized the importance of equality, respect for the rights of women and girls with disabilities, and ensuring their full enjoyment, on an equal basis with others, etc.

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