Water emergency, rights of Moroccans around the world, the effectiveness of the rights of Moroccan women and the amendment of the family code, human rights in the digital space and artificial intelligence systems, the annual report of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and its 2023 action plan... were the highlights of the CNDH General Assembly (GA) ninth session agenda.
The CNDH GA held its ninth session, in person and remotely, on 14,15 and 16 October 2022 in Azrou (a city in Morocco), in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 76-15 related to the CNDH reorganization and its Rules of Procedure.
On this occasion, Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, noted that the developments in the national and international context since the beginning of 2022 have accelerated during the second half of the year. Thus, she stressed that these developments confirm the importance of addressing the obstacles to the effectiveness of human rights as the most appropriate action to face the current challenges related to protecting and promoting human rights in Morocco.
In the context of highlighting the CNDH key milestones since its eighth GA, Mrs. Bouayach underlined the partnership agreement, signed by the CNDH and the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN), as a significant step of great symbolic and unprecedented human rights depth. An integrated strategy was developed beyond the minimum limit imposed by institutional action and several practices were developed to implement human rights standards and preserve human dignity in places of deprivation of liberty operating under the DGSN.
On the other hand, the CNDH addressed, in this period, the unfortunate and unprecedented events of the “Barrio Chino” crossing area (Nador-Melilia). In this regard, the CNDH Chairperson commissioned a fact-finding mission that shared its preliminary findings and conclusions in a press conference. Besides, the CNDH Regional Commission of the Oriental Region followed up on trials of the first instance and appeals courts.

With regard to the rights of foreigners, Mrs. Bouayach shed light on the CNDH actions conducted, in this stage, with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to keep pace with the implementation of social protection to allow foreigners, in Morocco, to benefit from the guarantees provided by the four levels of protection as determined by the framework law on the social protection.
As a contribution to the debate raised by water issues in Morocco currently, Mrs. Bouayach confirmed that the CNDH engaged in collective thinking to search for possible solutions to guarantee the right to water for all immediately and strategically. The CNDH will present a draft paper for discussion and approval by its GA, including recommendations to be submitted to the Head of Governement, she added.
With regard to the legislation, the CNDH Chairperson said that three advisory opinions were submitted upon the request of the Ministry of Justice. Two of them have been approved by the CNDH, after including observations related to the civil and criminal procedures, beside an opinion on the draft law related to alternative penalties, which were approved by the CNDH Bureau in respect of the time limit established by the law.
The CNDH Chairperson stressed that the methodology of these opinions was not limited to providing a human rights analysis of the legislative text and recommendations on the harmonization of its provisions with international obligations of Morocco but also to provide an opportunity to advocate for several human rights reforms.
On this occasion, Mrs. Bouayach recalled the milestones related to the CNDH’s contribution at the international level. They include, inter alia, the presentation of the CNDH parallel report related to the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance; Meeting with the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; and The CNDH continuing interaction with international mechanisms, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which referred to the CNDH actions related to the protection of human rights and others in its recent report on the Sahara submitted by the UN Secretary-General to the members of the Security Council. It constitutes, said Mrs. Bouayach, a significant update emphasizing the CNDH’s role in monitoring and protecting victims of human rights, etc.
Download the CNDH Chairperson statement (Available in Arabic)