Pursuant to the requirements of Law No. 76-15 related to the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) reorganization and its Rules of Procedure, Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, chaired the Eighth Ordinary Session of the CNDH General Assembly (GA) on Saturday 18 June 2022, in Rabat, Morocco.
The program of this session included reports on the Standing Committees and National Mechanisms actions for the first half of the current year. The GA also debated over the axes of the draft opinion on the Bill related to alternative penalties, following the Ministry of Justice’s request for the CNDH opinion. Besides, they addressed the CNDH general budget for the year 2023.
In her opening statement, Ms. Bouayach considered that the CNDH was right to be proud of the responsibility and the collective exercise related to ensuring protective and preventive missions, promoting human rights, and elaborating annual reports on time. This became a reality. This collective exercise is developing qualitatively, she added.
On this occasion, the CNDH Chairperson underlined the most prominent actions conducted by the institution since the Seventh Session at the national, regional and international levels, by highlighting the periodicity of publishing reports, its interaction at the international level, its noticeable participation in the 27th Session of the International Publishing and Book Fair (SIEL), etc.
Ms. Bouayach also announced that the CNDH will continue its efforts to protect the right of the Moroccan citizen, Ibrahim Saadoun, to life and protect him from the risk of the death penalty. She stressed that the CNDH initiated international efforts and communication with National Human Rights Institutions to protect him from the risk of the death penalty, which the CNDH advocates for its abolition from all national and international legislations.
On the side-lines of this Session, and on the initiative of Ms. Bouayach and the National Child Redress Mechanism, the CNDH named “Rayan” the space for listening to children’s complaints at the headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.
Download the Opening Statement of Ms. Amina Bouayach (Available in Arabic)