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For the eighth time in a row, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) participated in the 25th edition of the International Publishing and Book Fair (SIEL) which ended on Sunday 17 February 2019.

Under the theme “Mobility: Rights without Borders”, The CNDH contributed to promoting the rights of migrants through events organized as part of this year’s edition. This year’s participation made it possible to take stock of the national migration and asylum policy. The contribution of the CNDH was also an opportunity to debate the access of migrants to social and economic rights and to share civic experiences launched for the promotion and protection of human rights in Morocco.

Ever since Friday 8 February 2019, CNDH’s Pavilion implanted in an open and inclusive space of 360 m2, a divers program of activities bringing together academics, civil society, private sector and institutional actors, etc. 
The CNDH’s space was accessible to persons with disabilities thanks to its design and sign language service.

Around 50 events and more than 100 national and international stakeholders interacted with the public on issues of mobility and the rights of migrants from different perspectives: access to education, the rights to health, migration and media, the new migration policy, the legislative reforms relating to migration, the hiring of migrants…

The Pavilion hosted presentations on successful integration experiences as well as citizen initiatives by non-governmental organizations and public and private actors to promote the rights of migrants.

Children were the specifically targeted this year. Not only did they interact with public figures, including the president of the CNDH, on the issue of migration, but they were also given child-friendly courses on the rights of children. Coming from all over Morocco, they also took part in entertainment, artistic and cultural events related to this year’s CNDH theme.

The CNDH presented its recent publications on migration and paid tribute to a number of stakeholders and personalities in recognition of their valuable contributions in the field of migration and the protection of the rights of migrants.

At the end of this edition of SIEL, the CNDH pavilion hosted around 30,000 visitors and thousands of people followed the live streaming on social media.