Mrs. Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), welcomed the CNDH achievement as part of the implementation of its strategy based on the effectiveness of rights.
She also acknowledged the CNDH’s constant actions under the difficult circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to the collective mobilization of its members and staff facing this unprecedented challenge.
Her statement was made at the occasion of the Sixth Regular Session of the CNDH General Assembly which was held on Friday 15 October 2021, at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.
Mrs. Bouayach stressed that this session is a milestone in the CNDH actions process. It is founding a new stage in light of the continuity of the CNDH mandate midterm, while its mandate opening witnessed the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic which forced it to work remotely.
She also added that the CNDH will continue conducting its actions based on a renewed strategy, lessons learned and the same approach founded on the effectiveness of rights.
CNDH strategy objectives
Protection will remain top priority as a direct action to support human rights victims and their urgent issues
Mrs. Bouayach indicated that the CNDH strategy is based on the effectiveness of rights. It aims at achieving two goals. The first is to continue working on the implicit determinants of the effectiveness of rights beyond legal factors and focusing on illegal aspects, including economic, social, cultural and environmental. The second is the need to adopt a multi-sectoral approach that remains the most appropriate to develop approaches based on the effectiveness of rights and finding convergence to overcome obstacles preventing the effectiveness of rights.
In the same context, the CNDH Chairperson stressed that protection will remain a top priority as a direct action to support human rights victims and their urgent issues.
She also added that the CNDH will continue working on emerging issues such as human rights, business, climate change or issues imposed by modern technology, which has become an incubator for the exercise of basic freedoms, including freedom of expression, assembly, demonstration, as well as issues related, such as incitement to violence and hatred. The CNDH will also continue conducting its actions related to artificial intelligence, fake news, digital violence, the right to privacy, cybersecurity, and access to information.
CNDH recommendations and proposals to the Government to consolidate Morocco’s achievement in promoting and protecting human rights
Three elections were held last September and October and the new government presented its program respecting individuals and collective rights and freedoms. Within this national context, this General Assembly was organized to adopt the CNDH recommendations and proposals which will be submitted to the government, stated Mrs. Bouayach. These recommendations will consolidate the achievement of Morocco in protecting and promoting human rights. Besides, they will meet challenges facing the enjoyment of the effectiveness of rights. CNDH President also said that this memorandum is based on constitutional requirements, international human rights instruments ratified by Morocco and the CNDH recommendations submitted to the government.
Mrs. Bouayach stressed that the CNDH will implement its Memorandum of Understanding with the Parliament to influence the inclusion of the human rights approach in bills and laws’ proposals. It will also continue supporting NGOs and human rights defenders, enhancing their participation, establishing partnerships and strengthening their capacities including women and young people.
Concluding her statement, CNDH Chairperson shed light on the importance of upgrading efforts to implement the strategic orientations for the next stage of the CNDH mandate through elaborating action programs and including the strategy axes into the CNDH Regional Commissions (CRDH) and Standing Committees.
Moreover, Mrs. Bouayach called CNDH members to effectively succeed in the next stage of the CNDH mandate through a plan interpreting members’ commitment to human rights issues.
CNDH at the international level
- Participation in two online events on “Promoting and protecting human rights in the context of peaceful protests” and “Human rights education” as part of the 48th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC);
- CNDH was selected with seven National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) across the world as an institution conducting Universal Periodic Review (UPR) renewed and emerging practices;
- Submitting a written contribution to the United Nations Network on Migration on the sideline of the International Review Conference on the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) as part of its presidency of the National African Network Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI);
- Preparatory meetings for the next session of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA);
- Constant support, interaction and sharing experiences with NHRIs in Afghanistan, Mauritania, Libya, Niger, Cameron and Ivory Coast.
Milestones between the two sessions:
- The CNDH Bureau held its meeting. Standing Committees and the three National Mechanisms conducted their actions including visiting places of deprivation of liberty by the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture;
- Mobilizing CNDH bodies and its CRDH, and its administrative structures to effectively implement its actions including the observation of elections;
- Renewing and expanding the field of impartial and independent observation conducted by the CNDH and including multiple approaches such as thematic observation, field observation, social networks observation, citizenship observation, and polling day observation;
- CNDH continued playing its protective role by handling complaints, conducting visits to prisons, and holding Thursday meetings on protection. It also continued advocating for the abolition of the death penalty.