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The Regional Human Rights Commission of Laayoune- Sakia El Hamra Region (CRDH) organized several events on citizenship and human rights education to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in educational institutions at the regional level.

These events ended on Monday 14 December 2021, at the Etablissement Tafatouh pour l’Education et la Formation Sidati Salami in Laayoune, Morocco.

Around 170 students participated in around 30 activities and discussed human rights values ​​and principles in educational institutions in Boujdour, Smara and Laayoune, cities in the south of Morocco.

These events were an occasion to highlight their artistic and cultural creations and to give them the floor to express and interact on their rights and issues that concern them.

Several education staff and actors, representatives of elected councils, and authorities took part in these events.

The program of these events scheduled educational presentations on human rights and child rights, human rights movies, expressive dances, poetry, speech, drawings and songs. It also focused on human rights workshops delivered by the CRDH Chair and members.

Within this context, the CRDH also met with the children of the educational institution "South Center" of the Association South for Creativity and Talents for persons with disabilities.

These events were also an opportunity to pay tribute to students and education staff for their efforts in promoting human rights culture at school.

Besides, the CRDH exhibited the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) publications on human rights and categorial rights (the rights of the child, women’s rights, human rights education, migrants rights, the rights of persons with disabilities, places of deprivation of liberty, health and human rights…).

The CNDH also provided the libraries of human rights clubs with its publications and books on human rights education issues.

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