The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) attaches particular importance to the dissemination of human rights culture and the integration of these principles into the daily behaviour of younger generations, especially within the school environment. The CNDH’s efforts in this area focus on supporting and mobilizing diverse stakeholders in human rights education, deeming it crucial for promoting awareness and tolerance.

To foster these values among students, CNDH signed a framework agreement on February 4, 2021, with the Ministry of National Education. The primary objective of this agreement is to promote initiatives that cultivate a human rights culture and related activities within schools. It actively supports artistic and cultural endeavours while nurturing tolerance and discussion through a participatory approach.

In the same vein, the CNDH has also signed a framework agreement with the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, and regional partnerships between regional human rights committees and universities, geared towards enhancing human rights culture in universities. Additionally, a partnership agreement with the Higher Institute of Information and Communication (ISIC) focuses on strengthening capacities in promoting human rights culture and media.

In collaboration with relevant civil society organizations, CNDH works to consolidate human rights and citizenship values in educational institutions. It aims to reinforce the capacities of coordinators of film clubs and citizenship and human rights clubs, facilitating their participation in cultural and cinematic events while educating young people on the culture of audio-visual arts.

The CNDH also organizes visits, training workshops, and cultural activities to enhance awareness and encourage effective youth participation in achieving these objectives. Leveraging strategic partnerships, and to install human rights values and concepts across diverse educational institutions, CNDH extends support to the initiatives of civil society organizations and citizenship and human rights clubs, along with other specialized educational clubs dedicated to theater, art, cinema, writing and public speaking.