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The Regional Human Rights Commission in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region (CRDH) will organize two communication meetings to present the Executive Summary of the National Human Rights Council (CNHD) report entitled: Violence and inequity destroy the human will of women.

The two events will be held on Friday 31 March 2023, at the Regional Council headquarters in Tanger, and Thursday 6 April 2023, at Dar Chabab AbdelKarim ElKhattabi in Al Hoceima, at 9 pm.

These meetings are part of the CRDH mandate on promoting human rights culture. They aim to contribute to the public debate on ways to counter this phenomenon, encourage denouncing violence and combat impunity.

CRDH members will facilitate these two meetings in Tanger and Al Hoceima. Representatives of the relevant government sectors, researchers, lawyers, law experts, civil society associations and media professionals will participate in these two events.

The CNDH Executive Summary of the aforementioned report was published on 10 March 2023.

The CNDH report on the campaign Manskotch Ala El Onf (Speak out against gender-based violence) launched on 25 November 2021 was developed using a comparative approach for several judicial rulings with national legal requirements and international standards. It was also based on an analytical approach of a sample of judicial rulings and outputs of trial observation conducted by the CNDH and its Regional Commissions.

It addresses the impact of the media on denouncing and remedying mechanisms. It also underlines several practical recommendations for convention practices, legislation and public policies.
Besides, it presents:
-  Five recommendations on convention practices, legislation and public policies,
- Recommendations submitted to institutions working on violence against women and the press/media,
- 11 fundamental conclusions include mainly: the difficulty of multiple procedures for denouncing violence; burdening women survivors of violence with finding proof, which affects the denunciation process; disparity in Courts of the same degree and sometimes between Courts of different degrees, with regard to adapting similar acts as a result of unclear definitions, etc.