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On Monday, December 14, 2020, Ms. Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) took part in a training session on “Promoting the right to sexual and reproductive health for girls and women through human rights mechanisms” organized by the Arab Institute for Human Rights, with the support of the United Nations Population Fund.

25 participants from regional human rights commissions benefited from this training session as part of enhancing the protection of sexual and reproductive rights and promoting their culture by adopting an approach based on human rights.

This online training session will be an opportunity to highlight the development of sexual and reproductive rights within the human rights system and its mechanisms; legislation and measures related to sexual and reproductive rights in Morocco; monitoring sexual and reproductive rights and defining indicators for monitoring; human rights mechanisms related to sexual and reproductive rights, etc.

On this occasion, Ms. Bouayach shed light on the guide recently prepared by CNDH on sexual and reproductive rights, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund. This guide is a practical tool that provides all relevant parties with information on issues related to sexual and reproductive health, action plans adopted at the international level in this field, and the national framework that protects and guarantees these rights, including the constitution, applicable laws and regulations, public policies, and mechanisms of appeal and redress for women and girls victims of violation of their rights.

CNDH Chairperson also underlined the aim of this guide which is to achieve two related processes. The first is to protect victims who submit complaints to CNDH and its mechanisms, listen to them, and guide them to remedies. The second is related to promote legal processes and others to combat child marriage and violence against women and girls.

She also added that the guide addresses the goals set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the field of sexual and reproductive health that are directly related to achieving sustainable development for all. It also deals with special cases through practical exercises that will help the reader and the observer to deepen his/her understanding of the challenges and possible solutions.

The elaboration of this guide is part of various initiatives launched by CNDH on the “Effectiveness of the right to health in Morocco: Towards a health system based on a human rights approach,” including sexual and reproductive health. It aims to discuss and exchange views on ways to reform the health system in Morocco, in light of obstacles that prevent access to the right to health. It also intends to advocate for the development of an integrated, inclusive and coherent national health strategy to guarantee the right to health for all and confronting social and spatial inequalities that impede everyone's enjoyment of this right.

ar_guide_dssr_lmhd_lrby_ (2).docx


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