The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) organized a meeting on Friday 10 March 2023, at its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco, to present its report on Denouncing Violence against Women and Girls and Combating Impunity. This report was developed following the CNDH national campaign Manskotch Ala El Onf (Speak out against gender-based violence) launched from 25 November 2021 to 25 November 2022. Within this context, Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, affirmed that denouncing is a civilized and effective way to mobilize society to combat violence against women and girls and impose balance to protect them from gross gender-based human rights violations. In her opening statement, Ms. Bouayach stressed the importance of encouraging victims to denounce violence in all its forms. It contributes to developing public debate and focusing seriously on violence through cases. She also added that several international experiences have proven that denouncing is an effective means to mobilize society against violence, harassment and extortion. Ms. Bouayach noted that this CNDH report questions, through its multiple actions conducted whether during hearings, direct meetings, or seminars, the extent to which legal texts and practices encourage the right of survivors of violence to access denouncing violence, in a manner that guarantees the effectiveness of their right to access justice and remedy, and thus prevent impunity. The report presents: -Five recommendations on convention practices, legislation and public policies, -Recommendations submitted to institutions working on violence against women and the press/media, -11 fundamental conclusions include mainly: the difficulty of multiple procedures for denouncing violence; burdening women survivors of violence with finding proof, which affects the denunciation process; disparity in Courts of the same degree and sometimes between Courts of different degrees, with regard to adapting similar acts as a result of unclear definitions, etc. Download the Chairperson statement (Available in Arabic) Download the Executive Summary (Available in Arabic) Download the article in Amazigh