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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) will present its thematic report entitled: “Effectiveness of the Right to Health in Morocco... Challenges and Ways to its Strengthening”, on Friday 22 April 2022, at 11 am at the CNDH headquarters, Rabat, Morocco.

This report was approved at the Seventh CNDH General Assembly held in February 2022. It was elaborated based on the human rights approach in evaluating public policies.

The CNDH is convinced of the importance of the right to health as a right that affects and is affected by the ability of citizens to enjoy their other rights as part of the principle of the indivisibility of human rights.

The CNDH is also aware of the need to seize the historical opportunities provided by the Covid-19 pandemic to bring a qualitative transformation in the health approach as a public service that is included at the core of protecting national security and sovereignty.

This report presents the obstacles faced by citizens to access their right to health. It also proposes approaches to address them, not only based on legal texts that guarantee the right to health but also by searching for obstacles related to the implicit determinants of the right to health, particularly the economic, social, cultural and environmental ones.

Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, said, on the occasion of the launch of the project on 14 October 2020, that the effectiveness of the right to health, with its flaws related to its enjoyment and access, could only be guaranteed within the framework of a State that defends and guarantees this right.

This report is the result of national and regional meetings. It was based on a participatory approach. Various institutional actors, professionals, experts and researchers concerned with the right to health contributed to this report. This approach was also an opportunity to propose practical solutions consistent with regional and local specificities that would contribute to promoting the right to health for all citizens.

Based on this approach, the report provides essential foundations for building and engineering a national health strategy guaranteeing the right to health for all and facing social and spatial disparities that impede the enjoyment of this right through five main axes.

To be noted, the CNDH launched, on 14 October 2020, the project on the “Effectiveness of the right to health in Morocco: Towards a health system based on human rights”. This project aims to advocate for the development of an integrated, inclusive and coherent national health strategy to guarantee the right to health for all.