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On Friday 24 December 2021, the Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) of the Souss-Massa region held its third regular meeting in Agadir, Morocco.

This event is part of the implementation of the requirements of Article 44 of Law 76-15 related to the reorganization of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and Articles 35 and 36 of its Rules of Procedures.

This meeting agenda focused on presenting the outcome of the CRDH action since its second regular meeting, deliberating on the annual report - 2021 themes, addressing and approving the CRDH action plan - 2022, and approving members’ draft reports.

On this occasion, Mr. Mohamed Charef, President of the CRDH of the Souss-Massa region, welcomed the positive involvement of members since their installation. He also noted that the CRDH continues to conduct monitoring and protection missions and implement its annual program despite the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. On this occasion, he called for establishing complementarity between the CNDH strategy and members’ proposals, developing efficacy and good governance, setting priorities focusing on results, etc.

For his part, the CRDH Executive Director stressed that the Commission implemented a large section of its action program as outlined. It cooperated with various institutional and association actors regarding human rights and activated its partnership agreements.

This meeting was an opportunity to present the thematic report on the visit of the two children’s protection centers (for girls and boys) elaborated by the CRDH members.

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