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On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), the Barid Al-Maghrib Group is launching, in partnership with the CNDH, on Thursday, December 10, 2020, a commemorative postage stamp to celebrate the efforts made by the CNDH as a pluralist and independent national institution in the field of the protection and promotion of human rights in our country for three decades.

"The establishment of the CNDH consolidates the Kingdom's commitment and its voluntary adherence in the international human rights system. It also reflects the unprecedented interaction between the supreme will of the State and the human rights and democracy movement on issues that preoccupied Moroccan society", declares Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson.

Indeed, for three decades, through the Advisory Council on Human Rights (1990-2011) and the CNDH (since 2011), this institution has impacted major changes in human rights in our country, mainly at the legislative, institutional, legal and societal levels, etc.

Entitled "National Human Rights Council: 30 years", this stamp enhances the philatelic collection of Barid Al-Maghrib devoted to this theme since the independence, particularly the stamps dedicated to the 2nd edition of the World Human Rights Forum in Marrakech 2014, or the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2018.

Barid Al-Maghrib Press Contact
Mrs. ABDELLI Sahar
Phone: 060885458

CNDH Press Contact
Mr. BERDI Abdelghani
Phone: 0662762325