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Progress in the creation of the Al Hoceima Museum and the rehabilitation of the Nador Cemetery

As part of the National Human Rights Council's (CNDH) strategy to follow up on the implementation of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission's (IER) recommendations on memory preservation since 2019, Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, convened a meeting on July 2, 2021, in Al Hoceima. In attendance were Mr. Farid Chourak, Governor of the Al Hoceima province, the Chair of the Regional Council, and the team of engineers overseeing the project. The meeting aimed at evaluating the progress of the museum's project, following the completion of the first phase, which focused on scenography and museum studies.

The second phase of this project involves discussing financial support from project partners, as well as the construction and furnishing work. It will also focus on research and the acquisition of essential exhibit materials, such as collections of artifacts and heritage items. Notably, in 2019, two partnership agreements were signed to support the creation of the Al Hoceima Museum, involving the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Regional Council, the Ministry of Culture, and the Al Hoceima Municipal Council.

It is worth noting that, in addition to being part of CNDH’s follow-up on the implementation of the IER’s recommendations, the philosophy behind the creation of the Al Hoceima Museum aligns with the constitutional requirements outlined by His Majesty King Mohammed VI. In his 2011 speech to participants at the international meeting on museums organized by the Council, he emphasized the need to preserve the collective memory of Moroccans as a fundamental building block for constructing a democratic society. He also highlighted the importance of reinforcing Moroccans' reconciliation with their history and overcoming past challenges to strengthen their present.

In the same context, a meeting was held with Mr. Ali Khalil, the Governor of Nador province, at the prefecture’s headquarters on July 3, 2021, to discuss the rehabilitation program for the Nador cemetery and its role in preserving memory. Following this meeting, Ms. Amina Bouayach visited the cemetery to pay tribute to the sixteen victims who lost their lives during the social events of 1984.

The Council delegation comprised CNDH Chairperson; Mr. Abbas Bouderka, Advisor to the Chairperson and former IER member; Mr. Mourad Raghib, Director of the Chairperson’s Cabinet; Ms. Amina Salhi, Director of the Communication Directorate; Mr. Mounir Abdellah, Director of the Human Rights Promotion Directorate; and Mr. Najim Hidouch, Director of the Al Hoceima Office of CNDH’s Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region.