The Rules of Procedure of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) define, particularly, the procedure for receiving complaints, their admissibility terms, handling and following up by the Council. They also determine the number of members of each national mechanism and the methods for their selection and approval.
In addition, they define the rules governing the aforementioned mechanisms and the procedure for electing their coordinators and their procedure for receiving complaints, examining, handling and deciding on them by each national mechanism.
The Rules of Procedure also set the rules for managing regional commissions, modalities for their composition, number of their members, their organization and functioning.
Besides, they determine the number of the CNDH standing committees, their names, competencies, organization and area of their work.
The Rules of Procedure outline the rules for the Council’s organization, modalities for its functioning and terms of reference and organization of its functional and administrative structure, etc.

Download the Council's Rules of Procedure (Available in Arabic)

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