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The proceedings of the Rabat World Human Rights Pre-Forum organized on 17 and 18 February 2023 by the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the International Center for the Promotion of Human Rights in Argentina (CIPDH-UNESO) culminated in an Outcome Document focusing mainly on the three intertwined issues: climate change, migration/human mobility, and transitional justice/memory.

This constructive, open and pluralistic debate was an occasion to examine in-depth factors related to challenges posed by the three aforementioned issues.

Over 500 human rights defenders from 50 countries took part in this event
Over 500 human rights defenders from 50 countries shared their experiences and best practices, which culminated in developing recommendations and proposals of avenues for action.The Pre-Forum recommendations and outcome will be presented at the Third World Human Rights Forum in Argentina, in March 2023.

At this occasion, Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, called all human rights defenders to unit voices, from Rabat to Buenos Aires and beyond, into a single voice, that of no discrimination, dignity and justice.

At the end of this event, Mr. Mounir Bensalah, CNDH Secretary General, said that the Council will go to Buenos Aires with the same ambition, dream, persistence and optimism to continue raising human rights defenders’ voices and conducting deep actions considering the spirit of rights, freedoms and values... in a way that proves the capacity of the South countries to produce human rights standards based on the universality and indivisibility of rights.

Recognition of prominent human rights defenders
Among the most significant moments of the Rabat Pre-Forum was the initiative to pay tribute to prominent human rights defenders.

Late Abdelkader Azrie, former human rights activist and Head of the Mediation and Relationships with Parliament Unit at the CNDH, Ms. Estela Barnes de Carlotto, prominent Argentine human rights defender and President of the May Square Grandmothers organization, Mr. Albert Sasson, former Special Adviser to the UNESCO Director General and member of the Commission consultative de révision de la Constitution (Advisory Commission to Review the Constitution), Mr. Raji Sourani, Lawyer and founding President of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, Ms. Soyata Maiga, President and Vice-President of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR), and Ms. Latifa Jbabdi, defender of human and women's rights and former member of the Advisory Council for Human Rights (CCDH) and the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER), were honored and recognized for their achievement in terms of the promotion and protection of human rights.

The Rabat World Human Rights Pre-Forum was organized as a prelude to the Third World Human Rights Forum, which will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, next March.

Several human rights defenders, including institutional actors, experts, officials, academics, and representatives of national and international organizations, particularly the United Nations and the African Union and others from Latin America took part in this event.

Download the Rabat World Human Rights Pre-Forum Outcome Document

Download the CNDH Chairperson Statement

Rabat World Human Rights Pre-Forum Website:

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