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The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Marrakech-Safi Region (CRDH) will organize a regional meeting on the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) report on "The Effectiveness of the Right to Health: Challenges and Ways to its Straightening”, on Friday 21 October 2022, at 10 am, at the Kenzi Rose Garden Hotel in Marrakech, Morocco.

This regional meeting aims to share the outcomes and recommendations of the CNDH report on the right to health with all relevant actors working on health. It also intends to contribute to facing structural imbalances and take the historical opportunities provided by the pandemic to bring about qualitative transformations in the health system.

A group of relevant actors in the region, particularly the Regional Director of the Ministry of Health and Regional Delegates, Regional Director and Directors of prisons, Doctors, Professors researchers in mental health specialized in public health policy, and civil society, will take part in this meeting.

This thematic report is part of the implementation of the CNDH strategy based on the effectiveness of human rights. Thus, it seeks to present a perception of the obstacles to citizens’ access to their rights related to health. It proposes approaches to address them not only based on legal texts, but also by reviewing the challenges associated with the implicit determinants of the right to health, particularly the economic, social, cultural and environmental ones.

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