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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH), through its Standing Committee on Protecting and Monitoring Human Rights Violations, is organizing an online seminar on the Economic and Social Rights in the Constitution, on Monday 08 March 2021, starting at 6.30 pm.

This seminar aims to contribute to enhancing discussion among various actors and stakeholders on the effectiveness of the economic and social rights stipulated in the 2011 Constitution. It also intends to encourage public dialogue aiming to promote these rights.

Discussion in this event will focus on: Economic rights through international agreements; Economic and social rights through the 2011 Constitution; and Economic and social rights from constitutionalism to effectiveness.

Mr. Ali Karimi, CNDH will moderate this event.

Mr. Mohamed Amarti, member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) and President of the Regional Human Rights Commission in the Oriental Region, Mr. Hamid Belghith, Professor at the Faculty of Law Rabat- Morocco, and Mr. Abdelrrahim Erramah, former parliamentarian, social and trade union activist will take part in this seminar.

To be noted the 2011 Constitution underlined the importance of economic and social rights, particularly in its Article 31, which stipulates the commitment of the State, public institutions, and local authorities to mobilize all means available to facilitate equal access of citizens to their economic and social right to healthcare, social protection, medical coverage, mutual insurance, education, adequate housing, work and water, etc.