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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) will present a memorandum entitled: The Right to Water- Approaches to Confronting Water Stress in Morocco on 7 February 2023, at 9:30 am, at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This memorandum was developed in line with the requirements of the CNDH Law No. 76-15 and pursuant to its strategic directions (2022-2024) based on the effectiveness of human rights.

This memorandum was approved at the CNDH Ninth General Assembly in October 2022. It was developed based on the human rights approach in assessing public policies. Through this memorandum, the CNDH seeks to contribute to the national public debate on the challenges of water stress and ways to confront them. The CNDH follows with great concern the problem of the steady decline of the national water reserve and the threats it poses to social stability and its repercussions on human rights.

Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, indicated that the effectiveness of the right to water and sanitation for the current and future generations depends on changing measures to stop water stress, rationalize the exploitation of this natural resource and guarantee everyone's right to sufficient and safe water.

The CNDH presents this memorandum to the relevant institutions, stakeholders interested in water security and national public opinion.

This memorandum focuses on the principles established by the United Nations in the field of protecting the right to water and the legislative framework regulating the management of water resources and the public policies adopted by the State.

It also presents recommendations and proposals aiming at confronting water stress, promoting the right to water, ensuring the improvement of its management, and preserving the right of future generations.