The Chairperson of National Human Rights Council (CNDH), Mrs. Amina Bouayach held on 19 February 2019 an assessment meeting with CNDH staff (directors and executives) to evaluate the contribution of the CNDH to the International Publishing and Book Fair (SIEL) at the 25th edition.
At this meeting, Mrs. Bouayach welcomed the quality of collective work, the spirit of responsibility and the involvement of the staff in ensuring the appropriate organization of different events during the ten days of SIEL. She also warmly thanked all those who contributed to the success of this event.
To be noted that the CNDH devoted its participation in SIEL this year to the issue of mobility and the rights of foreigners.
Ever since Friday 8 February 2019, the CNDH Pavilion implanted in an open and inclusive space of 360 m², a divers program of activities bringing together academics, civil society, private sector and institutional actors, etc.
Around 50 events and more than 100 national and international stakeholders interacted with the public on issues of mobility and the rights of migrants from different perspectives: access to education, the rights to health, migration and media, the new migration policy, the legislative reforms relating to migration, the hiring of migrants…
In total, the CNDH Pavilion hosted around 30,000 visitors and thousands of people followed the live streaming on social media.
The CNDH’s space was accessible to persons with disabilities thanks to its design and sign language service.