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In the framework of the regional consultations with children launched by Ms. Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), from Guelmim, Morocco, on 3 February 2023, under the slogan “I Decide My Fate,” the CNDH Regional Commission in the Oriental region (CRDH) will organize the 10th regional consultation with the children of the Oriental region, on Friday 10 November 2023, at 9:30 am, at the Regional Center for Competencies in Oujda, Morocco.

These regional consultations aim to implement the principle of children’s participation as outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Children from various regions of the area will be actively engaged, allowing them to voice their opinions and aspirations regarding the protection and promotion of their rights.

This initiative will contribute to the preparation for a report addressing children’s issues related to the CRC implementation, in compliance with international standards for child participation. This report will be submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child beside the national report.

Mr. Mohamed Amarti, President of the CRDH in the Oriental region, will inaugurate this event.

This consultation will focus on three main topics:
- Protection and special preventive measures,
- Public policies (health, education, justice...),
- Access to information and participation.

The event will also feature the screening of a video entitled “I Decide My Fate” and an interactive session with the National Child Redress Mechanism.

Additionally, this event will be preceded by a meeting of facilitators who will conduct the consultation workshops. This meeting will take place on Thursday 9 November 2023, at 3 pm, at the CRDH in Oujda. It aims to present the consultations’ tools and methodology guidelines for the regional consultation with children.

Consultative meetings with children will continue throughout the current year in Laayoune and Dakhla.