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The Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Region will organize a workshop to present the findings of its study on "The Rights of Children with Disabilities to Inclusive Education." The study was conducted by the CRDH in partnership with the Regional Academy of Education and Training. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 9:30 am at the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Rabat, Morocco.

This study is part of the CRDH’s action plan. It was developed by the working group on inclusive education, focusing on a key question regarding the extent to which children with disabilities fully enjoy their right to inclusive education in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region. The working group also provided an analytical perspective on this issue to enrich public discourse, contributing to the ongoing promotion and protection of the rights of children with disabilities, and proposing ways to enhance their integration.

The workshop aims to present the study's findings, share expertise with relevant stakeholders, and foster discussions to build on existing efforts while encouraging responsible parties to strengthen their commitment to ensuring the effectiveness of the right to inclusive education for this group.

Representatives from ministerial and governmental sectors, educational institutions, prominent figures, international bodies, civil society, and national, regional, and local media will participate in this workshop.
It is worth noting that the CRDH has also developed three other thematic studies, addressing the following issues: the right to water, sanitation, and sustainable development; the right to energy and public transport; and the right to education for migrant children.