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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) of Casablanca-Settat, with the support of the High Commission for Refugees, organized an online training session on "Entry, Residence, and Asylum in Morocco: Rights and practices” on 17 and 18 June 2020.

This training session benefited for NGOs, mainly those of the Protection Working Group (GTP) “Groupe de travail protection” of Casablanca.

These two days of training were an opportunity for twenty stakeholders, working on foreigners’ issues including refugees and asylum seekers, to strengthen their knowledge on legal framework relating to entry into Moroccan territory, the right to residence for foreigners, the right of asylum, etc.

This training session is also part of the CNDH efforts to strengthen the capacities of different actors working on protecting foreigners’ rights. It also aimed at supporting the capacities of NGOs in handling issues related to foreigners, including refugees and asylum seekers, particularly in terms of treating information and orientation towards specialized institutional and non-institutional actors. 

Distinguished by the participation of Ms. Bettina Gambert, deputy representative of the High Commission for Refugees in Morocco, this training was an occasion to share experiences and good practices among participants.

These training sessions are part of the CNDH’s actions to build the capacity of actors in protecting the rights of foreigners, including asylum seekers and refugees. These training sessions will continue addressing issues identified as a priority by actors concerned.



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