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Rabat, June 27, 2022
Commissioned by the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), a CNDH Commission is carrying out a fact-finding mission in the city of Nador and neibouring districts. 

The Commission will gather facts and reliable information regarding the tragic and violent incident, as hundreds of migrants attempted a mass crossing. 23 people died and 216 were injured, including 140 law enforcement officers, according to latest reports.

“On behalf of all members and staff, I express our profound sadness at the loss of life and reported injuries. Our deepest condolences to the families”, said Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson.

“We have established a fact-finding commission that will meet with all stakeholders. We will share the findings and conclusions with the public and the stakeholders, as soon as possible”, She added.  

Morocco’s NHRI initially followed on the tragic incident and gathered information, through its regional human rights commission in the Oriental Region. The Commission checked and verified information regarding the huge number of migrants attempting the mass crossings, severity of violence and the reported loss of life and injuries.

The CNDH also examined shared photos and videos, noting, once again, that many had nothing to do with the attempted crossings, including disinformation and misinformation regarding the mass crossing.

The fact-finding commission is coordinated by the Chairperson of the Regional Human Rights Commission in the Oriental Region. It includes the Chairperson of the Regional Human Rights Commission in Souss-Massa, CNDH Human Rights Protection and Monitoring Director, and two members of the Regional Human Rights Commission in the Oriental Region, including a physician.