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The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region (CRDH), in partnership with the Université Abdelmalek Essaadi and the Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines in Tetouan, will organize a meeting on “Gender-based violence in universities and administrative and judicial remedies”, on Monday 31 October 2022, at the Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines in Tetouan, Morocco.

This meeting is part of the implementation of the CRDH annual action plan in its section related to the promotion of women’s rights, combating discrimination and achieving equality. It is organized in implementation of Article 19 of the Constitution and in line with the Marrakesh Declaration 2020 objectives and the requirements of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women ratified by Morocco in 1993.

This meeting aims to involve regional actors in the public debate on gender-based violence in universities. It also intends to understand its causes, think about this issue from different perspectives, and shed light on causes contributing to its spreading and its persistence that violate the right to education.

Stakeholders will discuss ways to address gender-based violence in universities and encourage adopting best practices to prevent this violation. They will also share insights on the implementation of proactive monitoring mechanisms and facilitating administrative and judicial remedies, with the view of eliminating violence, improving universities and strengthening their fundamental roles in training, scientific research and contributing to development.

Professors, researchers, administrators, and legal experts, including judges, lawyers, and institutional actors, as well as civil society organizations working in combating violence against women, the media, students and those interested in this issue, will participate in this event.

This meeting is part of the National Human Rights Council’s regional meetings on gender-based violence. It is organized within the context of following up the implementation of the objectives of its national campaign Manskotch Ala El Onf (Speak out against gender-based violence), which was launched in November 2021 to counter violence against women and girls, encourage reporting and combat impunity.