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The Regional Human Rights Commission of Rabat-Salé-Kenitra Region (CRDH) organizes a meeting to present a study project on the “Access of migrants and refugees’ children to the right to education in Rabat-Salé-Kenitra Region and its effectiveness” on Thursday 10 June 2021 at 9 am in Rabat, Morocco.

This study is part of a national process that was launched with the publication of Law No. 02-03 on the entry and residence of foreigners in Morocco and the National Human Rights Council (CNDH)’s thematic report on foreigners in Morocco. Besides, the adoption and implementation of the national strategy for migration and asylum and the exceptional campaign to regularize foreigners in an irregular administrative situation were also part of this process.

The CNDH’s Commission aims, through this study, at examining the legal and human rights situation of the effectiveness of the right to access education without any discrimination for migrants and refugees’ children in the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region. It also intends to elaborate recommendations and proposals that would enhance the effectiveness of the right to schooling for this group.

This meeting will be an opportunity to consult with representatives of the public sectors, experts and associations of parents and migrants to develop the study’s axes that will be presented by Mr. Cheikh Mbaki Kiel, on behalf of the "France Volontaire" organization.

Mrs. Houria Tazi Sadeq, CRDH President, Mr. Mbaki Keil representing the "France Volontaire" organization and several human rights and educational activists will take part in this event.

The elaboration of this study comes in a national context where stakeholders are working to promote several migrants’ rights, including health, employment, civil registration, legal recognition of associations and the right to union membership for migrants in Morocco, etc.