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In line with its missions and mandate enshrined in its Law No. 76-15, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) will present its reports entitled “Protection of Child Rights amidst the Atlas Earthquake- September 8, 2023: CNDH Recommendations Resulting from Digital Monitoring and On-site Visits.”

The presentation of this report will take place on Friday 24 May 2024, at 9:00 am, at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

These conclusions and recommendations, which coincide with the commemoration of the National Day for the Rights of the Child, are part of the CNDH interaction with the Atlas earthquake tragedy occurring on September 8, 2023.

Within this context, Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, initiated a working group to follow up on the human rights situation in the affected areas. She also established a specific follow-up system for child rights through on-site visits and digital monitoring.

CNDH Chairperson stated that these recommendations concern the legal, procedural and converging dimensions of public policies established for children. They are recommendations related to enhancing proactiveness and resilience in disaster response, promoting the principle of children’s participation and advocating for conditions conducive to a safe digital environment, thus limiting misinformation.

These conclusions and recommendations address child rights issues in the digital space and beyond. They are founded on the centrality of protecting child rights across its normative, procedural and value-driven dimensions and the place of this specific protection in the CNDH priority directions. This commitment is reflected in the CNDH’s focus on monitoring, follow-up and redress, whether in ordinary circumstances or during crises.

Respecting the principle of children’s participation, the CNDH will ensure the participation of children in this meeting. The CNDH will also invite a girl or a boy to chair the opening session of this event.