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Fulfilling its prevention and human rights protection mandate, and for moral and legal considerations related to the nature of its action, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), in coordination with the General Delegation for Prison Administration and Reintegration (DGAPR), visited the detainees sentenced to prison terms following the events of Al-Houceima, after they were transferred on 11 April 2019 from the Casablanca-based Oukacha Prison to the prisons of Fes, Tangier, Al-Hoceima, Nador and Tetouan.

During the visits, the CNDH inquired about the reception, detention and health conditions of the detainees. The CNDH teams interviewed and met with the detainees individually and collectively and held several meetings with the wardens of the above mentioned prisons. The CNDH also inquired about the conditions of families/relatives visits to the detainees.

The teams of the CNDH’s regional human rights commissions (in Fes and Tangier), some of which included medical doctors, monitored and followed up regularly and continuously on the health conditions of the prisoners who were on hunger strike (more than 15 visits and daily phone calls).

During the interviews and the hearing sessions with the detainees, the CNDH, in presence of the prison administration representatives, advocated for the supremacy of the right to life and respect for international standards of detention.

The DGAPR committed to make more efforts to improve the detention conditions and make sure the family visits are running smoothly. It was thus agreed on the night of 25 April 2019 that the detainees stop their hunger strike.