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The President of the Regional Human Rights Commission of Dakhla– Oued Eddahab (CRDH), Mrs. Maimouna Essayed, accompanied by CRDH members met with a delegation from the American embassy in Morocco on Monday 22 February 2021, in Dakhla, Morocco.

This meeting aimed to present different missions conducted by the CRDH as a mechanism of proximity concerned with protecting and promoting human rights at the level of its area. The CRDH monitors and follows up on the human rights situation, handles complaints, elaborates reports and visits places of deprivation of liberty with a focus on the rights of vulnerable groups such as children, persons with disabilities, migrants and women.

This meeting addressed the various focus areas of the CRDH intervention based on the strategy of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) which revolves around the effectiveness of rights.

To be noted regional human rights commissions are the CNDH mechanisms of proximity established under law No. 1.11.19 on the establishment of the CNDH in 2011.
