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The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Oriental Region (CRDH), in partnership with the University Mohamed I in Oujda, Morocco, will organize a regional forum on “Combating Harassment in Universities: What is their Role and What are the Mechanisms?”, on Monday 30 May 2022, at 2.30 pm at the  Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Oujda, Morocco.

Ms. Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), and Mr. Yassine Zaghloul, President of Mohamed I University of Oujda, will launch the opening session of this forum.

This event is part of the CNDH national awareness campaign to combat violence against women and girls, which was launched on 25 November 2021 and extends to 25 November 2022.

Academics, representatives of higher education trade unions, students, representatives of civil societies and the media, and legal stakeholders will take part in this event.

Participants at this regional forum will focus on:
- Combating sexual harassment and developments in Moroccan law;
- Mechanisms to combat sexual harassment in universities;
- Reviewing several national and international best practices and experiences related to combating harassment in universities.

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