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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and its National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are launching, from December 30, 2020, an online campaign to fight all forms of discrimination against women and girls with disabilities.

This campaign is a response to the recommendation made by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) to conduct public awareness-raising campaigns to combat stereotypes, prejudices and myths about women and girls with disabilities.

It also aims to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, fight against all forms of gender- and disability-based discrimination, and raise public awareness on equality and respect for the rights of women and girls with disabilities.

“We are launching this online campaign to fight against compound and double discrimination suffered by women and girls with disabilities. We wish to highlight the value and the importance of the participation of this group in the management of public affairs and fight against stereotypes and prejudices which led to several forms of discrimination…,” declares Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson.

The campaign particularly targets social media users (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) which bring together several social categories. It will thus be conducted in Arabic (the dialect), Amazigh language and sign language.

Well-tailored and specific tools will be used to ensure the success of this awareness campaign. Video testimony by women and girls with disabilities, a video that provides advice and awareness-raising messages, and a video containing questions and answers on the disability issue will be disseminated.

The National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is in line with the expansion of the CNDH mandate. It is a redress mechanism. It receives complaints submitted directly by persons with disabilities who are victims of a violation of one of their rights, by their representatives or by its initiative.

"This mechanism also conducts all the necessary investigations for protecting and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, taking into account the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination. It also ensures their integration into society and their full participation based on respect for individual independence and human dignity in addition to monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, etc.,” says Ms. Zhor Alhorr, Coordinator of the National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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