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The Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in Agadir in partnership with the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) and the Migration and Development Researchers Association, will organize a seminar on Morocco and integration of migrants in Morocco: opportunity and obstacles.

This event will take place on Friday 3 May 2019 at the headquarters of the CRDH in Agadir.

It will address Moroccan migration policy, analytical view on the draft law on asylum No. 66-17, Legal Clinic related to migration, living conditions for Sub-Saharan migrants and their integration needs in Sous- Massa Region.

This seminar is part of the implementation of the Agadir CRDH’s annual program related to the protection of the right of migrants. It aims to open a public debate on issues related to the integration of migrants into social, economic and cultural spheres. It will also conclude with proposals to support this process, while paying particular attention to the programs of partners in the field.

The program of this event will be facilitated by Mr. Mustapha Laarissa, Chairperson of the Marrakech CRDH and Mr. Mohammed Charef, Chairperson of the Agadir CRDH will present a summary report at the closing ceremony of the symposium.