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At the request of the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), the Permanent Committee on Parity, Non-Discrimination and New Generations of Human Rights held on Thursday, April 30, 2020, a meeting by videoconference to discuss the situation of women's rights as part of the current health emergency.

Moderated by the CNDH President, this meeting was an opportunity to present the first elements on monitoring violence against women. These elements were identified by the CNDH at the central level, through its Regional Commissions and in consultation with civil society and institutional stakeholders.

The Permanent Committee brought up formes of violence against women (physical, economic, psychological, verbal, sexual…) which are potentially amplified by the conditions of confinement, restriction of movement, and limitation of access to assistance, protection, or remedy. The CNDH Permanent Committee on Parity, Non-Discrimination and New Generations of Human Rights also shed lights on the situation of vulnerable categories, including single mothers, women in contingent or precarious employment.

The Permanent Committee welcomed the role played by civil society actors and their efforts to maintain their assistance to women victims of violence under confinement conditions. The Committee also called on public authorities to strengthen measures to support vulnerable groups and ensure access of women to protection services.