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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) organizes a deliberative workshop on the laws proposals aiming to reform and complete Law Framework No. 97-13 related to protecting and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities and Law No. 10-03 related to accessibility, on Wednesday 30 November 2022, at 10 am at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This workshop is part of the CNDH keeping pace with the legislative actions of Parliament, particularly following up on drafts and proposals of laws related to human rights. It is also organized within the framework of interacting with the parliamentary groups’ proposals on relevant laws.

Stakeholders will discuss the provisions of the two legal proposals to contribute to the legal and human rights debate on equality and non-discrimination as a structuring principle in the International Convention for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities, in order to enhance legal protection and guarantees of the effectiveness of the rights of persons with disabilities.

Several government actors, representatives of parliamentary groups, civil society working in this field, and representatives of governance bodies will take part in this event.