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"The human right to water is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights"

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) will organize the first chapter of the "Human Rights Agora" project. It is a series of debates on the effectiveness of rights and freedoms.

This round table will focus on "The human right to water is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights" and will be held on Tuesday 27 September 2022 at 3:00 pm at the Rabat Institute - Driss Benzekri - for Human Rights, Morocco.

The organization of this event comes within an international and national context marked by the rapid developments of several phenomena related to climate change and their repercussions on human rights. In addition, the CNDH is following with great concern the problem of the steady decline of the national water reserves and the threats it entails to social stability and its consequences on human rights.

The CNDH seeks to contribute to identifying the main issues related to the management of water resources. It also plans to propose solutions (summaries and recommendations) from the "right to water" perspective in association with other rights, foremost of which is the right to life, and the right of future generations for this vital wealth.

Participants will focus on how to deal with drought as a structural factor in development choices; incorporating the concept of water cost into economic activity; considering the right to water as the core of food security; and improvement of water sector governance as an entry point for managing water stress, etc.

Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, will open the proceedings of this event.

Experts in water and climate, government sectors, civil society and university professors will take part to these debates.