Morocco’s National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and Les éditions de La Croisée des Chemins publish a book to pay tribute to Ssi Abderrahmane Youssoufi, who passed away on May 29, 2020.
Edited by CNDH Chairperson Amina Bouayach, “Abderrahmane Youssoufi: Journey of an Exceptional Statesman” highlights the extraordinary path of the late Abderrahmane Youssoufi, who was a genuine Moroccan statesman, an independence and human rights militant, a socialist leader, and a former prime minister.
« The initiative to bring together these eulogies to the late Youssoufi is not meant to capture and highlight each and every little detail in Ssi Abderrahmane’s life. It is meant, rather, to be a way to celebrate this artwork, made up of his life, his accomplishments and his legacy. The number of eminent public figures who wished to contribute to this book highly reflects the lives that was touched and influenced by Ssi Abderrahmane, the great esteem he enjoyed and the profound respect that so many people had for him, whether they have or haven’t been able to pay tribute to his soul in this book. »
Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of Morocco’s national human rights institution
Indeed, the edited book brings together contributions from twenty-five national and twenty international distinguished figures that had known or had accompanied Ssi Abderrahmane Youssoufi on his patriotic militant journey. In addition, there are some condolence letters from several stakeholders and photos that captured some important moments in his path. The main forty-five contributions/eulogies are written in five different languages: Arabic, Amazigh, French, English and Spanish. The list of contributors includes the following:
At the international level :
- Former heads of state: Messrs. François Hollande and Mohamed Moncef Merzouki;
- Secretaries-General of the United Nations, the Socialist International, and the Arab Maghreb Union: Messrs. Antonio Guterres, Luis Ayala, and Mohamed El Bakkouch, respectively;
- Former Prime Minister of Spain Mr. José Luis Zapatero;
- Former Speaker of the Tunisian Parliament Mr. Mutapha Ben Jaafar;
- Former ministres: Messrs. Lakhdar Ibrahimi, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, and Miguel Angel Moratinos;
- President of the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions Mr. Mohamed Fayek;
- Senators: Ms. Isabel Allende Bussi and Mr. Pedro Bofill Abeilhe;
- Human rights actors: Messrs. Hanny Megally and Maan Bashour;
- Intellectuals and journalists: Messrs.Domingo Del Pino, Pedro Canales, Bourhane Ghalioune, and Michel Kilou.
At the national level:
- Advisers to HM King Mohammed VI: Messrs. André Azoulay and Omar Azziman;
- Former Prime Minister Mr. Driss Jettou;
- Speaker of the House of Representatives Mr. Habib El Malki;
- Politicians: Messrs. Mohamed El Yazghi, Abdelouahed Radi, and Mohamed Bensaid Ait Idder,
- Former ministers: Mmes Nouzha Chekrouni, Aicha Belarbi and Messrs. Abdellah Saaf, Mohamed Aujjar, Fathallah Oualalou, Mohamed EL Hajjoui, and Mohamed Said Saadi;
- Presidents of national institutions: Messrs. Ahmed Lahlimi Alami, Driss Guerraoui, and Mehdi Qotbi;
- Diplomats: Messrs. Boughaleb El Attar and Mohamed Dahbi;
- Intellectuals and journalists: Ms. Jacqueline Loghlam (Zakya Daoud) and Messrs.
- Tahar Benjelloun, Abdelilah Belkeziz, and Mohammed Sassi;
- Civil society actors: Messrs. Mohamed Seddiki and Mohamed Karam.
« Each and every contribution/eulogy sheds light on one of the various aspects in Ssi Abderrahmane Youssoufi’s exceptional journey. He was a Moroccan statesman who acted, throughout his life, and was bounded by the idea of the principle, the duty and the discretion. He contributed to the history of Morocco and humanity and forever immortalized his name »
Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of Morocco’s national human rights institution
Download the book excerpt
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Morocco’s national human rights institution
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