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The General Assembly (GA) of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), Chaired by Ms. Amina Bouayach, held its Ninth Regular Session, in person and remotely, on 14, 15 and 16 October 2022, in Azrou (a city in Morocco), in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 76-15 related to the CNDH reorganization and its Rules of Procedure.

At the opening session, Ms. Bouayach highlighted the CNDH’s dynamism aiming to raise the current challenges related to the protection and promotion of human rights in Morocco. She also underlined the CNDH achievements realized between the two sessions through its missions related to protecting human rights violations victims.

Ms. Bouayach stressed that the CNDH, including its members and staff, is fully aware of its roles, challenges, expectations, and the necessity of immediate and effective interaction with the current issues and possibilities. She outlined that the CNDH takes into account issues related to the water stress emergency, the rights of Moroccans of the world, the effective protection and promotion of women’s rights, as well as opportunities and challenges of protecting human rights and freedoms in the digital space and the implications of artificial intelligence systems on the effectiveness of these rights.

Ms. Bouayach said that, through this GA, CNDH developed proposals and recommendations to face challenges related to the current issues from the perspective of a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) and its roles.

Following discussion at this session, the GA unanimously approved:

- The CNDH 2023 action plan draft, in line with its strategy based on the effectiveness of rights and freedoms;

- The key elements of the 2022 annual report draft, in accordance with Article 35 of the law relating to the CNDH reorganization in implementation of the principle of regularity and periodicity for its publication following legal requirements and the Paris Principles governing NHRIs;

- The thematic report draft on human rights in the digital world and artificial intelligence systems in implementation of the CNDH’s strategic action plan;

- The memorandum draft on the state of a water emergency, to be submitted to the Head of Governement;

- The completion of the draft report on encouraging reporting in cases of violence against women and girls, within the framework of evaluating the results of the CNDH campaign for one year ;

The CNDH seized the opportunity of the ninth session to address the amendment of the Family Code and the rights of Moroccans of the world, based on a platform that summarizes the issues raised from the human rights point of view in terms of presenting relevant recommendations and suggestions.

Highlights between the two sessions (18 June 2022 to 13 October 2022)

- Signing a partnership and cooperation agreement between the CNDH and the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) to promote human rights culture in the police functions;

- Commissioning a fact-finding mission on the unprecedented events of the “Barrio Chino” crossing area (Nador-Melilia), sharing its preliminary findings in a press conference, and following up on the relevant trial phases by the CNDH Regional Commission of the Oriental Region;

- Keeping pace with the implementation of the social protection project to allow foreigners in Morocco to benefit from the guarantees provided by the four levels of protection as defined by the framework law on social protection;

- Engaging in collective thinking on water stress issues to search for possible solutions to ensure the right to water for all immediately and strategically;

- On the legislative level, submitting three advisory opinions on civil and criminal procedures and the draft alternative penalties upon request of the Ministry of Justice;

- Presenting the CNDH parallel report on the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance;

- CNDH continues its interaction with international mechanisms, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which referred to the CNDH’s actions related to the protection of human rights and others in its recent report on the Sahara submitted by the UN Secretary-General to the members of the Security Council;

- Contributing to the Universal Periodic Review national report;

- Contributing to the second national report on migrant workers (The CNDH had submitted a parallel report to the relevant United Nations Committee, etc.)