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The Working Group on Migration of the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI), chaired by the National Human Rights Council of Morocco (CNDH) and composed of the NHRIs of Kenya, Zimbabwe, DRC and Niger, in cooperation with the National Council for Human Rights of Egypt, organizes an event on the side-lines of the 64th ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), on April 23, 2019, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

This event aims to discuss the modalities of multi-stakeholder cooperation for the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) and its ownership at the continental level. It aims also to strengthen the interaction of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) with the African human rights system on the implementation of the GCM.

The opening session of this event will be launched by Ms. Amina Bouayach, President of the CNDH, Mr. Mohamed Fayek, President of the National Council for Human Rights of Egypt and Ms. SoyataMaiga, Chairperson of the ACHPR.
Several stakeholders will attend this event, including African NHRIs and NGOs, International Organization for Migration, African Union experts, such as the President of the ACHPR and the Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Migrants and Displaced Persons and the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies.

Mr. Mohammed Amarti, President of the CNDH Regional Human Rights Commission of Oujda-Figuig, will explore two main focus areas: “Implementation of the GCM: Between global commitment and operationalization at the regional level” and “the role of NHRIs and NGOs in strengthening the regional cooperation on the implementation and monitoring of the GCM”. Moreover, this event will ended with a session devoted to the discussion of the outcome document.

The GCM encourages regional and sub-regional platforms, organizations and mechanisms to review the implementation of the GCM in their respective regions, particularly in preparation for the first regional review in 2020. The ACHPR as an African mechanism for the protection and promotion of human rights as well as individual NHRIs and NANHRI, have a stake in marking a strong presence in this process.

The 64th ordinary session of the ACHPRwill be held from 24 April to 14 May 2019. On this occasion, Ms. Amina Bouayach will speak on behalf of NANHRI and will hold several meetings with African human rights experts.
It should be noted that, as a partner of the African Center for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, the CNDH conducted a pre-mission to Sharm El-Sheikh to prepare the various meetings planned in the margins of the 64th session of the ACHPR. The meetings held with the Egyptian authorities and partners were aimed at ensuring the success of these events.