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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the Danish Institute against Torture (DIGNITY) signed, on 20 December 2019 in El Jadida, Morocco, a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of technical cooperation on monitoring aspects related to health in places of deprivation of liberty.

This Memorandum was signed by Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH President and Mr. Jens Simon Modvig, Director, Chief Physician at DIGNITY. It focuses on strengthening the capacities of members and staff of the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture (NPM), experts and doctors.

As provided in this Memorandum of understanding, the two parties undertake to implement capacity-building actions through organizing workshops and developing medical monitoring tools and guides.

DIGNITY is a member of the Danish NPM. It provides support in capacity building for independent monitoring mechanisms around the world. Its international actions are supported through partnerships with civil society and government institutions.

Under Law 76-15 on the reorganization of the CNDH, the mandate of the NPM is entrusted to the CNDH. The NPM was operational since the General Assembly of the CNDH held on September 21, 2019. Its missions include, particularly, visiting places of deprivation of liberty to monitor conditions of detention and treatment of persons deprived of their liberty.