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14th Session of the CNDH General Assembly (29-30 June 2024)

The General Assembly (GA) of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), chaired by Mrs. Amina Bouayach, held its fourteenth regular session, on 29-30 June 2024, at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco. In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 76-15 related to the CNDH reorganization and its Rules of Procedures, this session represented the culmination of the CNDH’s current mandate.

In this context, Mrs. Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, welcomed the CNDH achievement and its strategy based on the effectiveness of human rights and focusing on the three interconnected dimensions: prevention of violations, protection of victims and promotion of human rights culture. Within this framework, the CNDH formulated proposals and recommendations in several fields, publishing over 70 documents. These include five annual reports (2019-2023) on human rights and freedoms in Morocco, eight thematic reports, three memoranda and five opinions.

In her statement, Mrs Bouayach underscored the CNDH’s commitment to publishing annual reports regularly since 2019. She highlighted the expanded mandate of the CNDH in monitoring by hosting the three national mechanisms: National Child Redress Mechanism, National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture, and National Mechanism for Protecting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Emphasizing the significant contributions of the CNDH, Mrs Bouayach shed light on the CNDH advisory opinions, memoranda and thematic reports that address several human rights and humanitarian issues.

She stressed the CNDH’s commitment to the constitutional principles of equality, parity and the eradication of all forms of discrimination and violence against women. Additionally, she emphasized the CNDH’s role in initiating public debate on emerging human rights challenges.

Mrs. Bouayach indicated that the CNDH conducted over 800 protective visits to places of deprivation of liberty, more than 118 preventive visits to combat torture, and handled approximately 13,000 complaints.Regarding its efforts to promote the culture of human rights and freedoms, the CNDH organized numerous training sessions, 450 national/regional meetings and interventions, and noted more than 35,000 media materials covering its activities.

Furthermore, Mrs. Bouayach highlighted the CNDH’s ongoing modernization since 2019, aiming to enhance its administrative efficiency through human resources development as part of its comprehensive institutional reform.

Download the CNDH Chairperson Statement (Available in Arabic) 
