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Presidency of CNDH: Handover Ceremony between Driss El Yazami and Amina Bouayach, new Chairperson of the Council

The handover ceremony between Driss El Yazami former President of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and Amina Bouayach, the newly appointed President of the Council took place on 6 December 2018 at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat.

In his speech at this occasion, Mr. El Yazami praised the qualities of the new president describing her as a great human rights activist. He also stated that the appointment of a woman at the head of the CNDH is very symbolic step towards the entrenchment of parity and equality.

Mr. El Yazami expressed his pride to work with committed and selfless staff members who contributed to the implementation of various missions of the CNDH. Mr. El Yazami urged colleagues to support the new president to achieve her mission, to maintain the same level of energy and to show the same dedication to enable the Council to fulfil its missions and to meet the expectations of citizens and different stakeholders.

This moment is significant. Ms. Bouayach said that despite the challenges we have faced in our journey, we have achieved so much thanks to militants and activists who have been committed and convinced that they can build a human rights process in Morocco that has achieved progress and continues thanks to the engagement of activists who are stuck to their aspirations to move forward.

Ms. Bouayach highlighted the priorities of the Council that should be addressed, including the establishment of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NMP), the National redress Mechanism for Children and the National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of People with Disabilities. She also shed light on the need to look into the new emerging issues marked by the new forms of expressing political, economic and social claims and which placed human rights actors before challenges relating to the treatment and interaction with these issues.

“Even if you leave, you will not leave history and the memory of the CNDH” said Mr. Mohammed Essabbar, CNDH’s Secretary General to Mr. El Yazami. Moreover, Mr. Essabbar expressed pride about the outstanding human rights career of Mr. El Yazami and praised his spirit of cooperation and harmony that marked their cooperation throughout this last mandate.

Finally, Mr. Essabbar expressed his trust that the new president will succeed in her new role, alongside the staff and members of the CNDH.